When it comes to competition show day and your backstage bag, there's one motto I go by in particular "It's better to need and not have than to have and not need" So to help alleviate the question of, "what should I pack" you have to check out our latest blog: Showday Survival: 12 Must-Have Essentials for Your Backstage Bag.
- Extra Competition Suit, Jewelry & Heels .Having an extra competition suit, jewelry, and heels should be a no-brainer, but you'd be very surprised how many Goddesses neglect this! I was taught that when you travel to a show, you should always pack your competition suit, heels, jewelry, as well as any other important irreplaceable items in your carry-on luggage, just in case your checked luggage is somehow lost in transit. This has never happened to me, but I've seen it happen to others, and it's devastating. It causes stress, fear, and anxiety, all of which can cause your cortisol levels to go through the roof. Not only can losing your items be an issue, but what if something breaks? Having extra heels, jewelry, and a suit on hand will save you from having a major panic attack. These items don't have to be brand new, they can be items from last year because having something is always better than having nothing at all.
Tanning Essentials. Whether you're a Protan, Liquid Sun Rayz or Fine Mist of Color Goddess, it's imperative that you should have these three tanning essentials in your bag. First, is an adhesive that's fabric safe in either a roll on or spray, whichever you decide is a personal preference. One product we highly recommend is Bikini Bite by Pro Tan that comes in both a spray and roll on. Not only is Bikini Bite a great product, its trusted by many competition suit makers as well as top Pro athletes within industry. The glue is used to keep your suit in place because the last thing you want to have on stage is slip up of any kind. The Second essential is a light posing oil, this is used to give you definition under the stage lights which can sometimes wash you out. Pro Tan also makes an awesome product named Showshine that goes on light which doesn't leave your body looking like a greasy piece of chicken. Whatever tanning solution you used it's always smart to have some with you just in case you need to do any touch ups. Don't forget to have some disposable gloves as well as an applicator to avoid any messes when applying touch ups. Bikini Bite & Showshine are both available on the All That Glitters GEMS website.
- Mirror- When competing in a bodybuilding competition, having a mirror on the big day is crucial. A mirror allows you to check your hair, suit and makeup it also allows you to meticulously inspect your physique, which can boost confidence, and ensure flawless presentation on stage. The mirror becomes an empowering tool it can make you, but it can break you as well...if you're a nervous nelly or super nit picky then leave the mirror at home. Sit back, relax and reflect on the dedication and hard work that you put in and enjoy the excitement on what you're about to showcase. FYI- many show promoters sometimes have mirrors backstage so that something you can investigate as the time nears.
- Oral Care- Being parched due to not drinking water can have some serious effects on your oral hygiene on showday. A toothbrush and toothpaste can be helpful but the chances of ruining your flawless makeup brushing your teeth can be high. We advise bringing mouthwash that way you can keep your breath fresh and it also helps to keep your mouth moist. The last must have when it comes to Oral Care are flossers, smiling and having sweet potato or whatever food you were instructed to eat, jammed between your teeth just isn't cute!
- Makeup/Hair- Your glam team will usually be around to do any touch ups needed before you hit the big stage. Make sure you ask about this when you're booking your show day glam, and if this is a service they don't offer or just can't accommodate you on then it would be wise to locate another professional. However, ask your artist if they have the lip color used for purchase, that way you can have it on hand so you can apply as needed. Always bring your own makeup backstage because we've also encountered situations where the blush or lipstick used was not flattering and had to be changed.
- Blanket/Pillow- Everything that was in your control that got you here has been done so now it's time to sit back relax and patiently wait till its your time to shine. This is just about that time backstage, when a soft pillow and cozy blanket come in quite handy. Find a nice spot to throw down your pillow and blanket and just chill, or if you are sitting and feel cold the blanket comes in handy as well. Either way having a blanket and pillow with you backstage is a win win situation, remember a smart Goddess is always a prepared Goddess!
Tinkle Belle Funnel - Right about now you might be scratching your head with this one. Our Tinkle Belle Silicone funnel is the perfect protection you need when using the restroom on show day. The reason why having a funnel is important is because the splashback caused when urine hits the water can streak your flawless tan. The funnel helps to eliminate splash completely leaving you streak free...as you know your tan is a part of your scoring so we don't need anything taking away from what matters most...your physique.
- Vaseline- A trick discovered while competing is the power of Petroleum Jelly! Since water is not an option on show day, when you get on stage and try to smile it can be difficult, so we've found if you rub a little peritoneum on your gums and teeth this while help your smile to glide as well as make your teeth shine. You'll thank us for this tip later!
- Earbuds & Phone Charger- Having earbuds to listen to relaxing music helps to ease showday anxiety. While you're listening to music make sure you have a clear picture of what's going on and where they are in the show. The last thing you need is to be on your blanket listening to music and you miss your class. Listening to music and taking videos and photos is a sure way to kill your battery, so make sure you have a phone charger packed. Your best bet is to make sure your phone is fully charged and if it loses battery just find the nearest outlet and recharge. The fun really begins backstage when you're making memories and with a fully charged phone you can collect them all!
- Sewing Kit/Safety Pins -If you've decided to invest in a quality suit, then this may not apply to you. However, accidents do happen, and it's better to be prepared in the event of a suit malfunction. Having a mini sewing kit along with some safety pins on hand is a must, as it's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. Something so small can literally save the day for you, or if a fellow Goddess may need some assistance, because sharing is always caring
- Earring Backs- When you lose an earring back on show day it can be a huge nuisance that happens often. Having actual earring backs on hand is great to but in the event you can't locate any, see if you can find an eraser off a pencils, these secure your earrings even better. Never get caught out there again by making sure you order extras from us when you order your competition jewelry. That way you have enough earrings backs for you and a fellow Goddess.
- Food/Water-You may not be able to drink a ton of water during show day (depending on your showday protocol), but once you get off stage, the drought is finally over! Having water with you is essential as it's crucial to rehydrate your body after the grueling final week prep process. When it comes to food, this will be according to the protocol your coach has planned for you, but it's always good to be prepared with rice cakes, sweet potatoes, peanut butter, or whatever food you are instructed to bring; this is usually done in the event you may need to fill out even more before getting on stage. Unless you've prepared yourself, this is a judgment call made by your coach, so don't start eating food that can cause you to "spill over" because you feel like it. Last but not least, don't forget to bring your after-show treats of choice, this is one of the best parts of show day because you sacrificed to get where you are, so don't feel guilty about treating yourself.
What items do you keep in your show day bag? Write it in the comments! we can't wait to hear what you have to say!